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Salone Internazionale del Mobile '08

Salone Internazionale del Mobile '08

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Spazio Revel, Milan

Spazio Revel, Milan, Italy

  • April 17 // 16 2008 | Spazio Revel, Milan, Italy


During the Salone del Mobile in Milan, in the exclusive location of Spazio Revel Scalo d'Isola, MISAEL, an ethical and cultural project, presents the unique creations of ten artists from around the world.

Entrusted by MISAEL, FLV-Flyer Live Visuals offers a video live performance ideated and realized by Nikky, that mixs in real time photos and videos collected the day before the event, hanging around in Milan.

The live performance is recorded on a DVD to make it visible to the public during the event.


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