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  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
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Live A/V Performance
knifeloop + hexler


What is inaudible is made audible. What is invisible is made visible.

The sounds of electro-magnetic fields around highly charged devices are relayed, with the help of induction coil microphones, to a multi track looper and digital delay where they are manipulated to resemble coherent sound patterns. This enables the audience to find a relationship to what had previously been inaudible. The effect is enhanced by giving it life on a screen when feeding the audio signal into a custom GPU software especially designed for on-the-fly visual synthesis. An audio-visual experience giving the impression of an electrical lightning storm.

With these tools the secret sound waves of different electric devices are discovered and exploited and made visual in the moment. The source materials from which the electromagnetic fields radiate are not all what is important. The procedure that their sounds are put through in the act of creation, sonification and impromptu re-interpretation on the screen makes the A/V performance an intriguing insight into the invisible, inaudible electronic world around us.

With this in mind the work process is an inherently open one. The frankness of the techniques shown in the work enables the audience to easily understand the relationship between the physical, the sonic and the visual. And so enhance the subjective perception of the moment.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

- VGA/DVI out to projector
- 2 x Mono Jack Audio to Mixer/PA

What the artists brings


  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics


knifeloop + hexler
knifeloop + hexler

Japan Tokyo