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HOUSEWIVES MAKING DRUGS a gender-bender cooking show

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Techno
  • Likes
HOUSEWIVES MAKING DRUGS a gender-bender cooking show
from Mary Maggic website and concept revisited and visually enhanced by nunswithguns:

Estrogen is the most ancient of sex hormones. Therefore the mutagenic effects of environmental estrogens disrupt species across all animal taxa. included humans. In response to the ongoing molecular colonization of xeno-estrogens on human and non-human species, the project aims to demonstrate how our collective mutagenesis necessitates civil action. The goal is to create an estrogen or a drug cooking session (visual) and share the results.

in environments where there is high incidence of pesticide runoff and industrialization our bodies are changing, a modern housewives needs to take this in consideration, where a chemical meal is taking place

This is both a "part one" of the Open Source Estrogen project as well as the Final Project for HTGAA, which combines lectures (1) "Synthetic Minimal Cells" with Kate Adamala, (2) "Bio-production" with Patrick Boyle, (3) "Computational Protein Design" with Srivatsan Raman, and (4) "Tools, Automation, and Open Hardware."

Duo Team with Power vs Power DJ

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

a connection for a laptop for the visual set and the DJ will need 2 turntables to play vinyl and a mixer.

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Techno



Netherlands Amsterdam


LPM 2016 Amsterdam
LPM 2016 Amsterdam
Friday, 13 May 2016