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El Mundo Nuevo @ BC

El Mundo Nuevo @ BC

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Bluecheese Factory - Rome, Italy

Bluecheese Factory, Rome, Italy

  • Saturday, 12 January 2002 | Bluecheese Factory, Rome, Italy

One night

Brian Mackern

Brian Mackern

  • Uruguay Montevideo
Brian Mackern
Digital artist. Director/editor of one of the first latinamerican virtual spaces devoted to the investigation, development and implementation of webart projects (1996). His last works explore interfaces-design, random concatenation of random events, estocastics, soundtoy creations, generative/ reactive/interactive image_sound objects, real time video-data animations for electronic music groups/musicians, and soundart. He has also been developing a database of latinamerican netartists, among many other colaborative web projects. He writes articles about websites that explore ´the uncertain border between design and netart´ and...


Saturday, 12 January 2002