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Workshop Interactive Art | Toolkit Festival

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Since 2011">Toolkit Festival  has been organizing meetings with international artists who move in the field of experimentation with new art forms related to interactive technology.

Workshop “Interactive Art_Software Vvvv and Kinect camera: 19-20 March 2016 – H. 10.00-18.00

By Martín Romeo

Vvvv is a powerful program that can work in all environments: video, music, dance, set design, mapping with the privilege of interacting with these disciplines in real time. This is done with devices like the Kinect camera that recognizes different parameters of the human body: the recognition of the position of the anatomical parts. With these tools you can create multiple paths to achieve a result.

The goal of the course is to provide innovative tools for use in the creative freedom of the participants.

For all info and registration: write to">

(Discounts for students)

WHERE: Saloncino delle Murate – Via dell’Agnolo 1/a, Florence (Italy)

Workshop Interactive Art | Toolkit Festival


    Toolkit Festival

    Toolkit Festival

    Italy Venice