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8 x 8

  • AV Installation
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8 x 8
This work exists as a video installation comprising of two different versions of the action. One of them is the entire 10 hours footage of the action, projected and viewed in ‘real time’. The other version presents a dissolve edit- progression, showing 1 minute of action from each hour, and lasting 12 minutes only, (includes extra footage of start and end).

The film shows the artist digging a hole about 8 feet in diameter and about 8 feet deep. He is seen starting to dig this hole, continuing, head down, relentlessly digging until he is 'in over his head' and, by the end, unable to get out.

Many of us have been in a position where our common sense tells us to stop what is happening or to walk away from the situation. However, something – our heart, emotions, instincts, wishes or whatever, push us further along that often-disastrous path.

The theme of time and change is addressed from two angles. Firstly the audience, if they so desire, can see a film made in real time of the complete performance. They will be able to witness the physical effort and toil, which results in an exhausted and fruitless ending. On another level the work is a representation of a story which has taken place over a much longer period of time.

Viewers may be able to identify with the piece in another way, seeing it as a treasure hunt – the searching for something. Treasure is often viewed as exciting – one does not really know what one will find but it may be beautiful, valuable and much sought after. But then again there is no guarantee that anything will be there.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

Installation room
1 x video/data projector
1 x TV/monitor
2 x DVD players
Plinth for TV

  • AV Installation


steve hines
steve hines

United Kingdom London