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a union for vjs?: open discussion and interactive showcase

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a union for vjs?: open discussion and interactive showcase
in this project i intend to discuss and present the mouvement of vj union. How we started it in Australia, our current plans of establishing vjing as a recognized arts profession by the Australian governmental arts bodies. How much impact, with the expansion of digital technologies, vj's can have on the global arts map? The project will start and end with a short showcase of Australian talent and a word from VJ UNION AUSTALIA webmaster Grig.
If there is a possibility of obtaining a longer slot than 30 min, i propose to end the discussion by a massive jam with participants of the audience.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

-screen/projecting surface/wall
-access to power
-chairs or cushions for the audience
-if possible high-speed internet access
-if possible a multi-channel vision mixer

  • Project showcase



LPM 2012 Rome
LPM 2012 Rome
Friday, 01 June 2012