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Desasters of the Universe

  • AV Performance
  • Experimental Electronics
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Desasters of the Universe
Avyd & Murks is a collaborative art project made by sound creator Avyd and visual artist Jerry Jerome. With Murks, Jerry Jerome creates a neo-cubism form that - by utilizing projection mapping - becomes a pulsating biosphere for light, colors and sound. Blended together with the experimental soundscapes of Avyd, the motion pictures offer a perfect set to a journey through the universe.
Both artists live and work in the Ruhr area of western Germany.

Jerry Jerome is a visual artist and co-founder of Shiny Toys, a festival for audiovisual experiments. He is well known in the local club scene and worked as a artist and producer for several events in the region where he lives. In his projects he commonly works with projection mapping. His clear and ongoing structures are closing the gap between the sound and the screen patterns that redefine the space itself.

Avyd is a musician, producer and dj since 2003. Since 2009 he occasionally visualizes his sounds and performances. In the meantime he did experiments with different sounds and styles as well as different techniques to find his own certain sound. His music style has strong electronic influences but sometimes include real instrumentation and vocals. His dj sets include most of his own work that is blended together with outstanding work from other artists all over the world.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

Technics Video:

Preparing construction:
40m roof batten 20x40mm
1x jigsaw
1x drilling machine
1x cordless screwdriver
1x folding ruler

Drilling bits, screws, shread srews,stapler and the
projection screen (inflameable) we bring with us.

The show:
The mapping construction is approximately 3,5m x 1,5m. We need a white surface with a minimum of 4x3m in the back.
The more dark the room, the more we're happy.
We would like to sit on the floor below the construction, maybe there is something like a comfortable persian carpet that we could use.
We also would like to use a table like 1x1m and 0,3m high, if that is possible.
The projector has to be mounted in front of the construction at a distance of 5-6m.

Brightness: 3000 Ansi
Lens ratio : +- 1,3 :1
Native Resolution: 1024x768

Technics Sound:

1x Power source 240V
1x Stereo cinch audio jack
2x Mono standard audio jack

  • AV Performance
  • Experimental Electronics


Avyd & Murks
Avyd & Murks

Germany Mülheim

Videos (1)