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  • AV Performance
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inCamera is a live cinema performance using a live camera to capture content and a sequencer to trigger sampled video clips. Various objects are situated in front of the camera to create specific effects and sequences of imagery. The performance begins with a blank canvas, no content. As the performance progresses, objects re sampled and triggered by a sampling sequencer, an emerging AV landscape unfolds before the audience. The visual is a a syncopated and layered experience highlighting optical analog effects 'in camera' as opposed to a purely digital process. The audio is composed of samples and percussive elements which create a dense and undulating abstract soundscape. Together these two elements create a live cinema AV performance that is ephemeral and only able to be experienced by the audience of the performance. All content is destroyed after the performance, all that remains is documentation.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

The technical requirements for this project include:

apple laptop - provided by artist

electribe ES-1 sampler - provided by artist

midi interface -provided by artist

HDcamera and support gear - provided by artist

Projection - provided by LPM

All equipment I will be bringing can run off of 220 power.

Brief technical description:

inCamera requires the use of a laptop, camera, sampler and midi interface. The camera is placed on a tripod and connected to the laptop. The sampler sends midi information to the software VDMX for triggering and playback. AV output from the computer goes to the front of house.

  • AV Performance


Videos (2)