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Invito a Cena (The Dinner)

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Likes
Invito a Cena (The Dinner)
Nowadays, we see many TV cooking shows. It’s not unusual that people dream of becoming a great chef, maybe because chef is almost a creative .
As a cooking show, I propose my show in a different "visual kitchen".
My "Invitation to dinner" includes a real live menu: starters, first courses, main courses and desserts. Each course has a theme: colors, sounds and images change. Every dish reminds something: a vision, a feeling, a mood, etc. …
Communication, Comparison, metaphor, imagination and illusion: this is the live game.
I’m pleased to invite you to dinner.

My AV performance has a detailed structure and lasts 20 minutes.

In the first two minutes “the stove is on”: here the main feature is the live video of switching gas on in my kitchen. Then videos are modified with different effects.
It’s all characterized by electronic music. Kitchen’s environment and the sound refer to a spatial vision like a launch to the moon.

Once finished cooking, we can have dinner.
My live menu starts with an appetizer of octopus and potatoes. This dish has an aura of mystery surrounding the sharpening knives. Between tentacles, ink and “potatoes speakers” the atmosphere rises like a tango of passion.

The first courses offer a choice of pasta and tomato. Here the atmosphere is very relaxed, accompanied by classical music. The main character of this part is the boiling water, previously filmed. Water is the mirror of the soul and through it you can see visions and future. Before draining pasta, you can see a lot people, stories and places.

The main course is meat. This is the strongest part of the performance. Characterized by heavy metal music, the main characters are butchers’ details that give life to a fight. Behind them there are very dynamic "Kaleida" landscapes.

Finally the desserts, but no one specific. I'll let you fall into a candy world. I will be your Oompa Loompa, which will take you to visit the Chocolate Factory. The Visual is playful, colorful and dynamic with a more commercial sound.

At the end of each course one of the most famous judges of Masterchef will evaluate my creation: Joe Bastianich.


• Filming video
• Post Production and vfx with Adobe After Effects/Premiere
• Live Video with Modul8
• Sound reactive plugin in Modul8 Library
• Equipment: mac, icon controller and midi keyboard piano.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

Beamer, speakers and cables (HDMI, VGA, ...)

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics


Vj Elettra
Vj Elettra

Italy Roma


LPM 2015 Rome
LPM 2015 Rome
Monday, 01 June 2015

Videos (1)