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Memoria Viva

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
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Memoria Viva
Memoria Viva is a Live Performance that works with Live 8mm footage projected in 8mm projector., then passed threw an Eos sensor to be digitalized in real time, in order to be reprojected on a big screen splited in two slices.
one slice is the real film running projected, the other slide is the film been edited and sonorised in real time.
at the end we have a live edited and mixed digital backup.

Memoria viva its a project from Rodrigo Garnier and Job Jimenez, from mexico.
the project restructures the natural order of events caught on old 1970's film, this film is from unknown filmers that couldn't or wouldn't keep their film, only to be found in a Street Market.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

-2 Tables of 2 sq meters
-1 Projection Screen 4x6 meters.
-10,000 Lmns projector DVI/VGA al least 3m from ground
-20 mts VGA cable
-8-Channel Mixer
-Audio Speakers

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics



Mexico Guadalajara


Mexico Guadalajara


LPM 2013 Cape Town
LPM 2013 Cape Town
Saturday, 16 November 2013

Videos (1)