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(not future)

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Likes
(not future)
The future never arrived.
Since the 20th century, the formalization of the concept "future" is closely related to progress, built by technological development. The narratives of the future and the speculation around it are used in different fields, one of the most significant within science fiction.

From the speculations around techno-utopianism, where flying cars, holograms, autonomous robots, artificial intelligence project the possibilities of technological reach towards the construction of the ideal of a Western society. To the techno-dystopian, where technology, and its appropriation and subversion are paths for survival, inside an authoritarian and hyper-capitalist society. The construction of the future is an idealized narrative that is projected from modern capitalism.
A construct that takes cultural elements from the present, and rhetorically builds the idea of a better future, founded on the faith of progress.
This is how all political action is framed in this faith. Infinite exponential growth for a better future.

Through the myth of the future, digital technology was presented to us as a revolutionary tool, emancipating progress and development. As the definitive means to democratize knowledge.

The future never came. We have reached the second decade of the new millennium and the future has been cancelled.

Technology is present in every aspect of our daily actions, but we have lost agency towards it. Technological devices no longer offer innovation. Platforms and algorithms dictate what we consume, how we communicate and develop, but in an opaque way; going so far as to intentionally hinder the actions of its own users.
Social networks have been used to introduce narratives, altered to generate hate speech, fake news and profit from it. Panic is generated and hinders real collective organization.
The Internet is another highly controlled corporate space.
Artificial intelligence, far from facilitating the labor of workers or expanding their capabilities, it has been used to make working conditions even more precarious and further frame social inequalities.

La tecnología se ejecuta a través de un esquema capitalista. Ya no se trata de la producción conocimiento y su democratización. Ya no es una herramienta emancipadora. Ni siquiera se trata de eficiencia o facilitar el trabajo. The main objective is control and profit through it.

This piece is born as a manifesto. To re-appropriate digital technology as a revolutionary tool through collective action.

Reclaim the power of technology. Subvert it. Hack it. Steal it.
Resignify time. Transform it through music.
Embrace the beauty, diversity and power of the collective.
The transformative power of the community and celebrating it through dance.

Free the code
Crack de algorythm

(Not future)
It is a piece of audiovisual improvisation, built through generative sequences, executed through live coding in conjunction with hardware elements.

The programming code, used during the improvisation, is projected in conjunction with the visuals. These will also reside in a github repository as well.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

Stage Table (120 centimeters x 60 centimeters at least )
PA Audio System with a Balanced Stereo input (reachable to the stage)
Video projector with HDMI input (reachable to the stage)
Power outlet (AC) for 7 eight devices (reachable to the stage)

What the artists brings

Two Raspberry PI for audio
Two Raspberry PI for video
Drum Machine.
Stage Audio Mixer
Stage Video Mixer

Audio Output: Balanced Stereo. (a TRS cable for Left, and a TRS cable for Right)
Video Output: Single HDMI output (1080p)

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics



Mexico Mexico City


LPM 2024 Morocco
LPM 2024 Morocco
Saturday, 09 March 2024

Videos (1)