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  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Electroacoustic
  • Likes
Perpetuo explores the concepts of infinity and life cycle. The idea underlying the work concerns two sound bodies, which being opposite to each other, attract and repel each other, thus creating a continuum of audiovisual counterpoints and immersive experiences of sound. The two protagonists of the performance ideally represent the fundamental principles of the universe, father and mother of every change and transformation, the root and origin of birth and death. Their opposition and complementarity expresses a dynamic of perpetual flux. What makes their confluence concrete and alive is a third element, the light, which represents the point of intersection between the two bodies.
The visual reveals the energy released by the two sound bodies through simple shapes, which trigger mechanisms inspired by perpetual motion machines, where gravity forces, masses and friction are the characteristics staged. The light is represented by a laser beam that fills the space, thus transforming the visual part in 3 dimensions. The composition is written for double bass, which represents the voice and soul of the two bodies, thus assuming a poetic and theatrical centrality in the performance by exploiting and
exploring the wide technical-expressive range of the instrument.
The electronic part, on the other hand, is divided into three different layers: the first manipulates the spectromorphology of the sounds produced by the performer; the second concerns the immersive spatialization of sound as the entire performance was conceived within an immersive listening system through three-dimensional audio thanks to the use of the Ambisonics format which allowed to generate precise spatial trajectories and localizations, that constitute a fundamental element of the work. The third layer of electronics, on the other hand, involves the use of midicontrollers that modulate various synthesis parameters created specifically for the performance". The visual part is developed and managed by an accurate spectral analysis of sound, whose data modulate forces and masses of three-dimensional objects, thus creating continuous, generative and parametric structures.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed


n.1 Condenser microphone
n.1 Microphone stand
n.1 MIDI pedal
n.1 audio card
XLR Cables
n.2 headphones

The performance can be realized in the following audio systems:

* Ambisonics (3D)
* Octophonic
* Quadraphonic

n.1 Projector
n.1 Laser
n.1 DMX Enttech
n.1 Video screen
n.1 Video cable
n.1 Fog machine

What the artists brings


  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Electroacoustic


Filippo Gualazzi
Filippo Gualazzi

Italy Urbino

Matteo Tomasetti
Matteo Tomasetti

Italy Marche


Live Cinema Festival 2021
Live Cinema Festival 2021
Friday, 24 September 2021