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shaped and disturbed

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shaped and disturbed
Abstract "shaped and disturbed" (working title)

shaped and disturbed is a video installation with live crushed video signals. as counteracting to the medium video the piece becomes unique with every iteration of the loop, the public/performer influences the signal via SSTV disturbance.


the abstract is a short description of the piece and is not describing the whole process of the piece in every detail.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

2 projectors

the exact technical setup is not clear yet and depends as well on the travel circumstances


why should i insert more than 100 chars here? the system seems to be not very approved.. i dont know what to write here, i will bring everything i need with me and wont plan a performance with things i wont have anyway. if you could provide a beamer i can keep mine in germany, thats easier for me

  • Project showcase


valquire veljkovic
valquire veljkovic

Germany Berlin