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Seeinteracting is an ongoing research project regarding 3D motion capture technologies applied to music, dance, and other performing arts. It was born withing the MIS, “Master in Ingegneria del Suono e dello Spettacolo” (Master of Sound Engineering and Perfoming Arts) at the Electronic Engineering Department of the Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, from the cooperation between Marco Bertola, Maurizio Massarelli, Gianluca Susi and Emiliano Daddario, all of which teach some of the Master courses there. This project also...Seeinteracting is an ongoing research project regarding 3D motion capture technologies applied to music, dance, and other performing arts. It was born withing the MIS, “Master in Ingegneria del Suono e dello Spettacolo” (Master of Sound Engineering and Perfoming Arts) at the Electronic Engineering Department of the Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, from the cooperation between Marco Bertola, Maurizio Massarelli, Gianluca Susi and Emiliano Daddario, all of which teach some of the Master courses there. This project also features the collaboration of the dancer/coreograph Livia Massarelli as well as other students that are working on their thesis in the department of electronic engineering.

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