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audiovisual machine excerpts

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Audiovisual Machine

The audiovisual machine is a live performance that will burn itself right through the spectator's retina into the back of his head, leaving behind a blasting trail of visual and sonic noise, a crude sense of deterioriated electronic media and the promise of a future in which the vast abundance of digital information will finally collapse.

Bringing together the sonic and the visual through means of machines has been subject of western artistic visions for over a century. Manifestations of this vision span between early colour organs of the 18th century, Music Videos on MTV, visualisation of sound on screensavers or media players, light shows and video projections with live music and in clubs, etc.

On the other hand, pixels, scanlines, audiobuffers serve as the messenger of information delivered to us in daily life through a vast amount of machines. The news on television, that cute youtube clip with the cats, the holiday video of a friend on a social media platform, filmed evidence of police violence against protesters…

Audiovisual Machine is a live performance that tries to force deconstruct both of these carefully mediated machineries. This happens by feeding audio buffers into pixel matrixes and back into audio buffers, engaging powerful feedback loops that produce sonic and visual artefacts which remain abstract.

Played on a custommade software in max/msp, various processes of analysing and feeding back digital information from and to audiobuffers and pixelmatrixes generate both sonic and visual artefacts. The near nostalgic flickering of old Television screens is just as present as reminders to the debris produced by missing keyframes and buffer overflows on graphic cards. This interplays with static crackling, bursts of noise and sounds that might be produced by defective computer hardware, incorrectly tuned radios and silent passages on scratched Vinyl.


  • File name: excerpt_cutup_720_mov.mp4
  • File size: 15.98 MB
  • File duration: 00:03:17
  • Video dimensions: 1152x720




Audiovisual Machine

The audiovisual machine is a live performance that will burn itself right through the spectator's retina into the back of his head, leaving behind a blasting trail of visual and sonic noise, a crude sense of deterioriated electronic media and the promise of a future in which the vast abundance of digital information will finally collapse.

Bringing together the sonic and the visual through means of machines has been subject of western artistic visions for over a century. Manifestations of this vision span between early colour organs of the 18th century, Music Videos on MTV, visualisation of sound on screensavers or media players, light shows and video projections with live music and in clubs, etc.

On the other hand, pixels, scanlines, audiobuffers serve as the messenger of information delivered to us in daily life through a vast amount of machines. The news on television, that cute youtube clip with the cats, the holiday video of a friend on a social media platform, filmed evidence of police violence against protesters…

Audiovisual Machine is a live performance that tries to force deconstruct both of these carefully mediated machineries. This happens by feeding audio buffers into pixel matrixes and back into audio buffers, engaging powerful feedback loops that produce sonic and visual artefacts which remain abstract.

Played on a custommade software in max/msp, various processes of analysing and feeding back digital information from and to audiobuffers and pixelmatrixes generate both sonic and visual artefacts. The near nostalgic flickering of old Television screens is just as present as reminders to the debris produced by missing keyframes and buffer overflows on graphic cards. This interplays with static crackling, bursts of noise and sounds that might be produced by defective computer hardware, incorrectly tuned radios and silent passages on scratched Vinyl.




United Kingdom London


the audiovisualmachine

the audiovisualmachine

