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INTERFERENCE – av performance

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Interference is the phenomenon of wave overlapping, thus leading to a new wave distribution. The new distribution may be permanent or variable and its amplitude may be greater, smaller or equal. The prerequisite for permanent interference is wave consistency and frequency equality.

The audiovisual performance "Interference" is an attempt at an aesthetic experience of the physical world that surrounds us, consisting of structures and patterns that are invisible to us. It is also a reflection on human perception and cognition of the surrounding reality. On the one hand, the presented images may have features devoid of context, location and time, on the other - they represent elements that construct the universe - electromagnetic waves, sound waves.


  • Video dimensions: 1920x1080


Interference is the phenomenon of wave overlapping, thus leading to a new wave distribution. The new distribution may be permanent or variable and its amplitude may be greater, smaller or equal. The prerequisite for permanent interference is wave consistency and frequency equality.

The audiovisual performance "Interference" is an attempt at an aesthetic experience of the physical world that surrounds us, consisting of structures and patterns that are invisible to us. It is also a reflection on human perception and cognition of the surrounding reality. On the one hand, the presented images may have features devoid of context, location and time, on the other - they represent elements that construct the universe - electromagnetic waves, sound waves.




Poland Opole